Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's getting close to midnight...

Actually, it's after midnight now, but when I thought of this title for the post, I couldn't resist.

I'm a little insomniated at the moment (which would explain my use of the word 'insomniated') so I thought I'd just bounce a few random observations into the blogsphere and see what falls back down.

First off, while wandering through the streets of Melbourne today, I noticed a despicable phenomena sweeping the younger members of the population.  It's an affliction affecting the hair, and it seems to induce it to shorten and stick up all over, while remaining relatively long in the back.  It's not an old-school mullet as such, but I don't think it's an eviolved form of the emo-spawned asymetrical haircut.  No, gentle readers, it's as we feared: like the Black Plague, the mullet has mutated into a new, more terrifying form, and has encouraged a hole new generation to have it "business out front, party out back"!!!!

I have many (too many, in some people's opinion) irons in the fire when it comes to creative endeavors.  As well as the book (insert shameless plug for Alterblog here), I've had a few ideas for games kicking around in my head for a few years.  Some board-based, some card-based, but owing to my goldfish-like attention span with things like this, I never seem to get any of them off teh ground.  It can be frustrating, because like most creatively-minded people, I would like to be able to someday earn a living (and in my case, support a family) with my craft.  While most of my research has indicated that I've got approximately a snowball's chance in Hell of getting published as a writer of urban fantasy, I've not looked into spruiking my non-writing related stuff to toy companies.  I guess that could be something to look into at a later date...

On a final note, here's some links that will allow you to wile away those boring hours at work:
Penny Arcade
Questionable Content

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